6 mile run in 60 minutes from Michigan and Randolph to the end of the Meigs Field peninsula and back.
20 minutes of abs and planks
6am spinning class followed by 40 pushups, 4 minutes of planks, 10 reg crunches, 10 tabletop crunches, 20 double crunches and 15 bicycle crunches
Spinning followed by blast class using a 15 lb body bar
Took the 9am spin class as a rider and taught the 10am. WOOT!
30 minute blast class with some murderous triangle pushups and other tricep exercises. Taught the 1st 20 minutes of water workout then joined the rest of the class in the pool. Don't write off water workout - it's not your grandma's workout anymore! It's all core, all the time, baby.
30 minute blast class and 30 minute core strength class.
But I had a shamrock shake today. Womp womp.
Day o' rest
6 mile run followed by 2 hour detox yoga class
Day o' rest
Had signed up to run Race to Wrigley 5k but got asked to sub 75 minute spin class at the last minute. Thought I could do both but race packet sign in was poorly organized and involved lots of delays. So I abandoned the race in favor of teaching.
So I taught a 75 minute spin class then later took a regular-length spin class and team-taught a blast class.
Taught spinning. Class was AMAZING!!!
Unplanned rest day due to back injury womp womp wommmmmmppppp.
Another rest day due to said same injury - rest meaning I literally slept all day.
It is surprisingly easy to get out of bed for a 6am spin class after sleeping all day the day before! I performed at about 60% strength and felt pretty vulnerable, but the spin teacher was super sweet and I felt really good afterwards that I'd gotten back on the horse.
Spinning class
Spinning class
Spinning class
Taught a special one-hour Easter spinning class wearing bunny ears. 35 people in the class - what a thrill!
I could have gotten out of bed early this morning but chose not to and took a rest day. It was probably for the best because I had a really long day at work.